Setting Yourself Up For Health and Wellness Success in 2024
As we embark on another trip around the sun, it’s a good time to take stock in your personal health status and set goals for the coming year to help you achieve your best health yet. We here at Eagle Acupuncture take health and wellness, of course, very seriously and we’d like to help you reach your goals next year and beyond. In order to do so, we have put together several excellent health and wellness routines that you can start deploying right away in order to help springboard you into a better state of health.
Start A Regular Acupuncture or Reiki Routine
What is Reiki? Well, Reiki is an ancient Japanese traditional healing art that specializes in balancing the energy levels and flows of the patient through the laying on of hands. This laying of hands or manipulating the Chi energy by the Reiki specialist helps to remove spiritual blockages, negative energy pools and diversions, and can improve your body’s natural flow of energy which in turn has tons of great health effects on your overall wellness. We recommend giving it a try and working it into your monthly health routine! You’ll be glad you did.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) The Most Sophisticated Herbal Medicine on the Planet
So many Western medicines that you can find in plastic bottles at your local CVS are actually derivatives of Traditional Chinese Medicines that have been used to heal the sick for literally thousands of years. White Willow Bark has the same active ingredient as Aspirin and other painkillers while natural herbal teas like peppermint tea have the same if not greater healing ability for an upset stomach or heartburn than a Tums or a Prilosec tablet. However, we never recommend taking one herb at a time due to its imbalanced nature. For instance, peppermint is cooling and is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits, analgesic (pain management) properties, and antipruritic aspects. We use this in herbal formulas for cold, stomach pain and even depression in our ancient medicine. However, it must always be paired with other warming or moving herbs to be balanced. Adding one cold herb and using it over and over will cause an imbalance. This is why you always want to get the professional opinion about herbal medicine from our herbal medicine experts at Eagle Acupuncture.
Book an herbal consultation to address the excellent health benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how you can start addressing your ailments with natural remedies instead of expensive and complex lab-made pharmaceuticals. Drugs often cause side-effects so severe you either develop another disease or side-effects so severe you cannot tolerate the medication. Almost 90% of older adults take at least 1 prescription drug. Almost 80% take at least 2 and 36% take at least 5 different prescription drugs. We have herbal alternatives to literally thousands of aliments that work either just was well or have a superior outcome. Some common alternatives we have in our practice include but are certainly not limited to:
Fertility Enhancing
Ovulation inducing
Sperm Improvement
Chronic Inflammation and Pain
Muscle Spasms and Pain
Blood Pressure
Cholesterol Management
Digestive Problems
IBS- Constipation or Diarrhea with Pus, Pain or Blood
Crohn’s Disease
Genito-Urinary Problems
Painful Urination
Enlarged Prostate
Atrophic Vaginitis
Dermatological Disorders
Endocrine Disorders
Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
Adrenal Problems
Mental Health Wellness
Post-Partum Depression
Infection and Immune Support
Chemotherapy and Radiation Support
IVF Support
Peri-Menopause and Menopause Support
Hot Flashes
Vaginal Dryness
Painful Intercourse
Mood Imbalance
Excessive Bleeding
Degenerative Disorders including: eyes, bones, discs, brain
Bell’s Palsy
Any Pain Anywhere in the body, New Pain, Old Pain, Internal Pain, Sports Injury Pain, Drug-Induced Pain, Unexplained Pain, Debilitating Pain, Menstrual Pain,
Contact us if you have any questions about how TCM may be right for you in your situation or set up a consultation with us so we can get in-depth on helping you in the New Year and beyond.
Starting A Daily Walk Routine
It’s one thing to say that you will embark on a whole fitness regime at that gym when January rolls around, but it’s quite another thing to actually do it. Well, starting a regular walking routine is a great stepping stone to getting you into the gym or at least getting you more in the habit of being active and getting regular exercise. Forget throttling yourself at the gym a few days a week, you can still achieve excellent health and wellness goals simply by walking for 15 minutes or more each day. Bring along your favorite podcast, relaxing music playlist, or favorite book on tape and make your daily exercise routine something to look forward to rather than a gym experience that is one step removed from a medieval torture chamber.
For The Road
We hope you enjoyed learning about achieving health and wellness goals for the New Year. If you would like to know more about this or any of our excellent services, we are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your health and fertility goals. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation for acupuncture, herbal medicine, functional medicine, supplements or lifestyle modifications, please reach out to us HERE. We offer telemedicine for those who are not within driving distance from our office.