Botox, Filler, and the Dangers of Auto-Immune Disease

Written By: Dr. Kristen Burris, DAcCHM Medical Director of Eagle Acupuncture offering natural healthy medicine from Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal medicine, functional medicine, lab testing, acupuncture, medical-grade microneedling and lifestyle changes. 

Did your doctor, nurse, or esthetician ask you if you have or suspect you have an auto-immune disease before injecting you with one of the most toxic and lethal substances known to mankind, botulinum toxin? Did you know it is highly inadvisable to ever get Botox or similar injections if you have an autoimmune condition?  Here is an additional challenge and risk... many people don’t know they have an auto-immune condition for a very long time.  The newest craze of marketing very young women, in their early 20’s,  scaring them into ever having a wrinkle, God-forbid. They are the new money-making machine and “everyone is doing it”. In fact, some young girls are getting their first Botox or similar product, as a high school graduation gift. Yet, autoimmune conditions are often not discovered in a person’s 20’s. According to Stanford University, between 24-50 million people in the U.S. have an autoimmune condition, and nearly 4 out of 5 of those are women. It takes a devastatingly high number of years to be properly diagnosed with an auto-immune condition after seeking the expertise of over 4 different doctors and taking over 4.6 years just for a preliminary diagnosis. 

The average onset of an autoimmune disease it between 25-61 years of age, according to the National Institute of Health, those are also the same average years women are getting Botox and fillers, injected into their faces multiple times a year. Is there a correlation between the extraordinarily high rise in auto-immune conditions, women and the rise in neurotoxins and fillers being injected over 3 million times a year in the U.S. alone? Possibly, however, no one, yet, is willing to say the connection is indisputable. 

However, any doctor who is honest would whole-heartedly agree with the risks associated with having an autoimmune condition and injecting these virulent toxins into your body for pure vanity, is a huge health risk and should be avoided at all costs. These conditions included but are not limited to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, Lupus, Sjogren’s and so many more. 

So what can women and men do to combat the natural signs of aging? How can they decrease wrinkles, build collagen and elastin to tight their faces, neck and even reduce brown spots on their faces, necks and hands? 

Medical grade microneedling with vegan stem cells is the perfect solution to helping the body to stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and tighten skin. Over time and a few repeated sessions, patients can expect healthier texture to their skin, fewer wrinkles, less deep lines, tightening of their skin, less wobble in their neck and reduction in redness and brown spots. Each vegan stem cell has a specific extract that have a different ability to improve skin. Apple stem cells can enhance the regenerative capability of the skin that inhibits the detrimental effects of chronological aging by extending the life of the skin’s stem cells. It aids in renewing the layers of the epidermis and dermis softening and lightening the depth of wrinkles and preventing the development of future wrinkles. The plant stem cells have many luxurious benefits for the skin including anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antioxidants, all of which improve the quality and elasticity of our skin. 

Proper microneedling must be done by a licensed doctor who has trained with a microneedling pen. Finding a doctor whose expertise is also in herbal medicine further enhances your outcome for not only topical application but also the option to have proper herbal medicine to treat your skin from the inside out. 

A few other easy tips: drink green tea, use snail mucin 3 times a week for a gentle yet highly effective way to exfoliate your skin. According to Mayo clinic, Snail mucin has antioxidant properties, can enhance moisture to help reduce the signs of aging like wrinkles and even uneven skin tone and sagging. In one small study of 25 participants with moderate sun damage used snail mucin for 14 weeks and saw a significant improvement in fine lines, crow’s feet and the luminance in their skin. We have a favorite product that we can offer you at 10 % OFF. Just call us (208) 938-1277 or message us with your email asking for our Snail Mucin offer. For radiant skin in less than 3 months. 

If you know anyone wanting to  defy the signs of aging, encourage them to give up their toxic, damaging and possibly auto-immune inducing habit. Instead, try the natural, beautiful advantages of medical grade microneedling. Did you know we offer an add on for hands? Did you also know we can grow your hair? Microneedling can go as far as doubling the thickness in your hair in just three treatments. What are you waiting for? 

Give us a call to schedule now (208) 938-1277. 

Colin Eggleston