What is Anovulation and How Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, and Acupuncture Can Help

For some women their period comes on regular intervals like clockwork, however, for others, periods can be completely unpredictable. Normal ovulation cycles typically happen every month between the 12th-16th days of a woman's cycle until the onset of menopause. If you are experiencing irregular periods or no period at all, this may be a sign of anovulation. This can be a devastating condition for those trying to conceive a child, however, there are treatment options available. Here we will look at what anovulation is, what causes it, how to know if you are experiencing it, and what you can do to treat it.

What is Anovulation?

Anovulation is when your ovaries do not release an egg. Anovulation is not unusual for young girls who have just begun their menstrual cycles or women who are approaching menopause. Anovulation can be experienced from time to time with little concern or danger to your health. However, for those trying to get pregnant, chronic anovulation is one of the most common causes of infertility.

What Causes Anovulation?

Anovulation occurs in response to your body’s hormones being out of balance. Normal ovulation occurs when your hormones reach a certain level for an egg to be released. Any disruption in this can lead to anovulation. There are times when this imbalance is normal and to be expected, such as when you are pregnant, breastfeeding, premenopausal, and during adolescence. Other causes that can be more concerning are PCOS, thyroid disorders, weight issues, over-exercising, and even some medications.

How do you know you are experiencing anovulation?

It can be challenging to know if you are experiencing anovulation. A few indicators to be aware of are a heavy period, irregular bleeding, or no bleeding at all. The most assured way to diagnose anovulation is to track your ovulation through our partners app. This at home fertility tracking device tracks not only Estrogen, LH and FSH but also the hormone that confirms ovulation, PdG a urine metabolite of pregesterone. Use our special code (Eagle15) for a discount and take all the guesswork out of your ovulation and fertility hormone levels every single month.

How do you treat anovulation?

There are many factors that affect your hormones and menstrual cycle and lead to anovulation. Treating those underlying factors can resolve the anovulation. This means a holistic approach to addressing the root cause or causes of anovulation are required to bring your body back into balance for regular periods and healthy fertility. Clinical trials have shown that acupuncture has been able to help induce regular ovulation and improve fertility. Acupuncture has also been shown to improve hormonal balances and stimulate blood flow to the ovaries to support egg growth and increase live birth rates. There has also been research to show that Chinese Herbal Medicine can successfully increase ovulation rate and improve cervical mucus making it another highly effective treatment for anovulation.

For The Road
We hope you found the information about anovulation, its causes, and treatment options beneficial. If you would like to know more about this or any of our excellent services, we are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your health and fertility goals. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation for acupuncture, herbal medicine, functional medicine, supplements or lifestyle modifications, please reach out to us HERE. We offer telemedicine for those who are not within driving distance from our office.

Colin Eggleston