Fertility And You: Considerations For Helping Increase Your Body’s Natural Fertility


It may seem that infertility is an impossible hill to climb, but there are things to help you reach your goals along the way.

Natural Ways And Tips To Help You Boost Your Fertility
There are a lot of things that can help increase your fertility out there, but we thought we would take some time to cover and recommend some that anybody can start doing right away and that don’t involve harsh drugs or chemicals. Enjoy!
1. Start By Establishing A Healthy Diet:
This is a tough one, especially if you haven’t done a lot of this type of diet before, but getting yourself set up with a healthy and natural diet is an essential step toward helping your fertility levels and to help in so many other parts of your life. You can incorporate foods rich with antioxidants, like as berries, leafy greens and other greens many of which provide fiber and other nutrients, and nuts, to reduce oxidative stress and support reproductive function. Avoid lots of refined sugars, processed foods, sodas of all kinds,
2. Maintain An Active Lifestyle:
Keeping yourself active can help your body in so many ways. It keeps your blood flow and circulation up and running to help get blood, oxygen, and nutrients to all parts of your body, including your reproductive system. It increases your overall well being and your happiness levels and helps keep your body in good shape to allow for a baby to grow healthy and happy. It really is a full spectrum health enabler!
3. Try Some Herbal Supplements:
Give a few of these a try. You can look into taking chasteberry (vitex), maca root, and evening primrose oil, all of which are believed to support hormonal balance and menstrual regularity, potentially improving fertility. However, it's crucial to consult a qualified herbalist or healthcare provider before incorporating these supplements. Good thing that here at Eagle Acupuncture, we are herbal medicine experts! Please set up a consultation with us to help you get the herb package that is right for you!
4. Goal: Better Stress Management:
Chronic stress can have adverse effects on reproductive health. Explore stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and deep breathing exercises to promote relaxation and hormonal balance.
5. Avoid Toxins:
Minimize exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals found in certain household products, pesticides, and plastics. Opt for natural and organic alternatives whenever possible to reduce toxin intake.
6. Acupuncture:
Acupuncture has been associated with improving fertility by promoting blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulating hormone levels, and reducing stress. Consider seeking a licensed acupuncturist with experience in fertility support, like us here at Eagle Acupuncture.
7. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol:
Excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol can interfere with hormone production and menstrual regularity. Moderation is key, so consider reducing intake or opting for herbal teas and mocktails instead.
8. Drink More Water And Include Antioxidants Regularly
There is one thing that we Americans typically forget to do each day and that is to drink enough water. We may think that we are getting enough day to day, but we really aren’t. A recent study showed that nearly 70% of the US is not getting enough daily water intake. This can help to flush your body of toxins and to make sure that your organs are healthy and ready to begin the pregnancy journey. If you also include helpful things like green superfood powders, you can also boost your antioxidant levels which reduces free radicals among other health benefits which can help ready your body for pregnancy.
By incorporating these natural tips and remedies into their lifestyle, women can take proactive steps towards optimizing their fertility and overall reproductive wellness.

Why Choose Eagle Acupuncture? Eagle Acupuncture Is The Right Choice For Helping You Tackle Your Fertility Issues And Start A Family.

Expertise and Experience: Kristen Burris is a master at acupuncture therapy, especially when it comes to women’s health and fertility. With years of experience in treating infertility issues, she brings a wealth of knowledge to every session, ensuring you receive the highest quality care.
Holistic Approach: At Eagle Acupuncture, we prioritize your overall well-being. We combine acupuncture with other holistic treatments, including herbal remedies, nutrition guidance, and lifestyle modifications, to optimize your chances of conceiving and nurturing a healthy pregnancy.
Personalized Care: Every woman's issues, body, and needs are unique. That's why we provide personalized care tailored specifically to your needs. Through a comprehensive assessment, we develop an individualized treatment plan designed to address your specific fertility issues, giving you the best chance at success.
Compassionate Support: We understand the emotional roller coaster that accompanies infertility struggles. Our compassionate and supportive team provides a safe space for you to share your concerns, fears, and setbacks. We are here to uplift your spirits, provide guidance, and celebrate your victories no matter how small.
Embark on Your Path to Parenthood:
Take the first step towards achieving your dream of becoming a parent. By choosing Eagle Acupuncture, you are embracing a natural, holistic, and proven therapy for women's infertility issues. Reclaim control of your fertility journey today and let us help you create a life-changing difference. Contact us now to schedule an appointment and experience the transformative power of acupuncture therapy. Together, let's make your dreams come true.