Treating PCOS With Acupuncture And TCM

Sufferers of PCOS know that this disorder is savage. It can manifest in all sorts of symptoms and ways that it is difficult to even keep track of for one person. In addition to that, it impacts people differently. Some may have weight gain, acne, and hair growth and others may have abdominal pain and fertility issues and hair loss. While others have all of the above! It may seem like that there just aren’t any options in treating or at least mitigating PCOS symptoms but knowing what we do about this unforgiving syndrome can bring new hope. The good news is that acupuncture in concert with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can absolutely help to reduce the symptoms and the burden of this terrible condition. In today’s article, we’re going to look at how these two treatment options can help you on your road to a better life with PCOS! Sound off in the comments if you have PCOS and have tried to treat it and what worked or didn’t work for you. We’d love to hear from you!

Treating PCOS Symptoms With Acupuncture Therapy

There is so much that acupuncture can help with, and PCOS is luckily one of them! Here are some ways in which acupuncture can help lessen your PCOS symptoms.

  • Increases blood flow to the reproductive system, specifically the ovaries

  • Reduces global body inflammation, including in the reproductive system

  • Can help to regulate menstruation cycles to help keep them on pace and reduce their pain severity

  • Can help to reduce the number of ovarian cysts

  • Helpful in reducing insulin resistance which is a tertiary component of PCOS

  • Can help to balance estrogen, testosterone, and other hormones in the bloodstream which are a main factor in PCOS

  • Helps to increase mood and stabilize food cravings due to stress

PCOS, Infertility, and Miscarriage

Many women who have PCOS will find it difficult to become pregnant or stay pregnant. There are various reasons why PCOS inhibits fertility including increased inflammation, crowded ovaires with too many cysts or follicles present to mature an egg for conception, insulin resistance causing extreme weight gain and difficulty in losing weight, higher risk of miscarriage, and other issues. At Eagle Acupuncture we have a proven track record of helping women with PCOS and other infertility issues conceive in record time. In addition, our miscarriage rate is half that of the national average, even in our patients with repeated miscarriages in their past. In our practice when evaluations are tracked we have a 71-92% success rate within the first year of treatment and a 39-58% success rate with each subsequent year of treatment thereafter. If you are struggling, please reach out. We can help!

Treating PCOS With TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine is actually very well suited to helping with the symptoms of PCOS because of its focus on reducing inflammation in parts of the body by using natural herbal medicine and foods. For over 5,000 years we have treated the patterns that are identical to those who suffer from PCOS. TCM can help your body deal with the PCOS symptoms by allowing your internal organs to have a balance and harmony that they do not have on a day to day basis. Our herbal formulas are sophisticated to handle the complex and confusing patterns PCOS presents with. Our formulas are similar to a beautiful symphony of harmonized sounds. Trying to treat PCOS with one herb at a time would be equivalent to a one note song. It is not efficient and in fact, can cause side-effects to develop due to the imbalanced nature of one ingredient for a complex pattern. They have been proven to restore normal menstruation by removing physical obstructions (like cysts) and by balancing hormones, and relieves pain and either increase the blood flow for women who have amenorrhea (no menstruation) or spotting and other herbal formulas that slow bleeding for women who suffer from menorrhagia or excessive blood flow.

Come To Eagle Acupuncture To Get A Personalized Treatment Package For PCOS

Do you suffer from PCOS and want to find some local help around the Eagle, Idaho area? Then look no further than our office! Give us a call and we will get you set up with a consultation and treatment program that will be tailor fitted to help with your specific PCOS spectrum of symptoms. Know someone else that lives out of state? We offer telemedicine that is extremely effective for managing PCOS, infertility and repeated miscarriage.

For The Road

We hope you enjoyed learning about dealing with PCOS via acupuncture and TCM. If you would like to know more about this or any of our excellent services, we are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your health and fertility goals. We hope these tips have helped you along your journey. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us HERE.

Colin Eggleston