The Truth About Ozempic and Other Similar Weight Loss Drugs

Ozempic and Other Similar Weight Loss Drugs

If you’re like most Americans, weight loss solutions are often at the front of your mind. It’s hard to avoid, even if you are at a “healthy” BMI or weight, you are still constantly bombarded by weight loss commercials on TV and advertisements on social media and the open web. One thing that has recently taken social media by storm is off label use of Ozempic as a potential weight loss solution. Many celebrities and social media influencers have recently sung its praises and there may even be something of substance about their claims. Let’s dive into what this new drug is and any possible side effects it may cause as well as how Eagle Acupuncture can help you with your weight loss goals without having to resort to ingesting an experimental drug. 

What Is Ozempic?

Technically, Ozempic isn’t really Ozempic and it’s definitely not a weight loss drug. What do we mean exactly? Well, Ozempic is just its given name or brand name. The actual active ingredient, the main factor in the weight loss is a compound called semaglutide. Semaglutide is what’s known as a GLP-1 receptor agonist which is typically used to help treat and manage type 2 Diabetes. It helps your body better regulate blood sugar and can help to reduce sugar and other food cravings. This drug has also been approved and marketed as a weight loss drug under the name Wegovy which has a higher dose of semaglutide than Ozempic and is actually approved by the FDA as a weight loss drug whereas Ozempic has not been and contains a much smaller dose of the crucial component. 

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Ozempic?

Ozempic is relatively safe (so far!) to consume, under your Dr.’s supervision, of course, but there are a host of side effects that can make taking it rather unpleasant, especially if you present with several or all of them. They include: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, indigestion/heartburn, dizziness, abdominal distension, belching, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) in patients with type 2 diabetes, flatulence, gastroenteritis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Interested In Healthy And Sustainable Weight Loss? Eagle Acupuncture Can Help

If you’re interested in sustained, healthy, and drug free weight loss solutions, then look no further than Eagle Acupuncture. We can help you achieve your weight loss goals through acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine without the use of costly and risky pharmaceutical drugs.

If you choose to take the pharmaceutical route and your provider does not offer nutritional support, a dietary plan,  emotional support, or you are suffering from side-effects that make taking the medication difficult: this is where we come in. We can help resolve nausea and diarrhea or constipation. We can help reduce stress and talk about emotional triggers like food addiction, eating to relieve emotional distress and cravings that often feel uncontrollable. Need easy ways to food prep? Want healthy snack ideas? We are here for you.

We can also balance hormones naturally to help with weight loss. Menopause got you? We can handle that.  Postpartum weight gain that just won't come off? We can address those hormonal imbalances right away. Tried everything and weight just will not budge? We can help.

Together we can make your experience easier and more successful. Not changing your eating habits, or the way you think about food, will only result in weight gain when the medications end. We are here to bridge the gap in a complicated, challenging and frustrating health problem that millions like you face.

Give us a call to learn more or to ask any questions that you may have about addressing your weight loss and we’ll be happy to get you on the schedule for your first visit. Don't live near us? No problem. We offer telemedicine with our mastery in complex conditions treated with herbal medicine, supplements and lifestyle changes. Here is our number: 208 938 1277
For The Road
We hope you enjoyed learning about the risks and interactions involved with Ozempic and other weight loss drugs. If you would like to know more about this or any of our excellent services, we are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your health and fertility goals. We hope these tips have helped you along your journey. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us HERE.

Colin Eggleston